6 pieces of hiking gear for winter that you need right now
As temperatures continue their downward trajectory into the heart of winter, it’s time to find your hiking gear for winter to ensure you stay active and outdoors. With the proper equipment, you should be able to handle most any conditions in your neck of the woods and enjoy the pretty snowflakes, crisp air, and peaceful conditions. While there are plenty of hiking clothes for cold weather, this will only focus on a few of them, or else we’d be here forever.
So it’s time to get your winter hiking gear and get out into nature!
Hiking gear for winter
My puffy is my ace up my sleeve regarding hiking gear for winter. While I won’t wear it all the time hiking – it can get too warm – it’s necessary when starting and during breaks throughout your trip. Yes, these can be expensive, but my last Eddie Bauer puffy lasted me nearly four years. So, view this as an investment and treat it appropriately. Also, a pro tip, make sure your hiking clothes for cold weather have a hood!
Wool Socks
When it comes to socks, you should only be wearing wool socks. Yes, they’re more expensive, but they are better. Period. They wick moisture off your skin and keep you warmer, a double whammy when hiking in colder temperatures. As we get old, socks aren’t so bad of a gift to receive, so grab some as stocking stuffers and keep the feet warm of a loved one! When it comes to winter hiking gear, this is at the top of my list.
Is this the year you’ve told yourself you’d hike no matter the weather? If so, you need to get snowshoes, which will make your hiking easy. Instead of falling through on each step, you’ll glide across the snow easily, letting you knock out miles and miles without a problem! The first time I used them, it was a bit clunky, but you quickly get the hang of it and realize it’s a must-have hiking gear for winter.
Wool Baselayers
A warm and toasty base layer is essential to your hiking attire. But, again, you’ll want wool as your fabric type because the last thing you want is your sweat to chill you and open the door for bad possibilities.
Outer shell
A surefire and reliable outer shell is crucial in case the weather turns or you want to adventure in any climate. Aim for a Gor-Tex exterior to expel water and snow off your jacket when looking at an outer shell. This doesn’t have to break the bank, but these hiking clothes for cold weather need to keep you dry.
If you’re new to gaitors, these are great for keeping the snow off your legs. Better yet, it keeps the snow from getting into your shoes and socks. Of course, they aren’t so much needed when the snow you’re walking on is firm, but if you’re post-holing or if it’s actively snowing, having snow gaitors is a great way to stay warm and feel fresh. If you need this winter hiking gear, grab them today!
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Until next time adventurers, take care and be safe.
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