I went onto Roaming the Earth’s Podcast – Listen here!

Last month, I went on the Roaming the Earth podcast and had an amazing time. Drea, the host, and I talked adventure, hiking, backpacking, and life after cancer. It was a really nice way to document what I’ve been through, while also getting to talk about all the fun things I’ve been able to do since.

Please subscribe to her podcast and give her a listen as she continues to grow her audience.

The Podcast

Here’s a quick blurb from Drea on her website about me and the podcast. To say I was honored and floored by this would be be an understatement. 

When I saw Alec’s profile on Instagram, I had to take a pause.  Did this man really do all of this post cancer treatment?  Why, yes he did!  I had to talk to him.  I’ve known a few cancer survivors and actually, cancer runs in my family.  I had a friend tell me once after his many months fighting cancer, “No one really talks about what happens after.  How you feel after? I’m not all here.  I’m not the same.  People think… thank god, you are alive but they don’t see how it’s effected me. They are just glad I’m alive.”  My friends feelings were valid.  And for many, life after cancer, can be difficult.

This is why I had to talk to Alec.  I really wanted to understand how shortly after his treatment, he decided he was going to complete the rim to rim on the Grand Canyon and then continue to climb to the highest mountain in the lower 48 states, Mt. Whitney (14,500+).  These are not easy feats for most people and yet, he did it.  Alec is impressive and is someone I’d love to meet face to face one day.  His journey inspires me to keep moving no matter what lies before us.  His goal is to change how people view cancer.  I hope that this episode is one you can take with you when you’re climbing a mountain that seems impossible to climb.

Stay Wild,

How to Listen

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2nmvoforYcFOfLdtbR89e1?si=MQ_booVzS9OKMkj0ojOGMA


Apple Podcasts: https://bit.ly/2ICS1Ju


Until next time adventurers, take care and be safe.

You can follow along the journey on Facebook and Instagram or shoot me any questions and comments about places to go. And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog to get notified when new posts come out!

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Interested in backpacking? Check out my Ultimate Guide to Backpacking!